
"Ödland" A charming music band like a alice in wonderland

I know this band as unexpectedly from small link in some blog but this small band have a different
not like a normal band in a billboard chart

they music  is a New-classic and they call them are a Ronantism the sound is from piano and violin violoncello they have inspiration from 19th century so you will interest them yet?

This is a cover from first album and first on April 2010 

"Dear friends, we are Ödland.
We love wind and violin, clouds and piano.
We have to dream or the way may be lost.
We were born in a train and we are traveling with ghosts.
Our shadow will reappear, because the past is lighting us.
Dear friends, welcome to our Land."


I love the style of this band very much and love more and more when I see they MV. It making from handmade drawing like a stop motion
I always love a work from a human hand because you can feel their intention and touch a heart in their work


let's see a charming MV  from a good band right now

Ödland, The Queen of Hearts. from Lorenzo Papace on Vimeo.

whay do you think ? 
about me ...I  am  a big fan of  "Ödland"  already LOL

see a information from their office website www.odland.fr.

thx for watching
see you next entry


"leblogdebetty" everything oh her is simple but it chic and chic another fashion blogger who chic and chic

Today I happy to present my another fashion blogger who I loving her stlyle and like how she mix and match her Item it is not hiend brand but she out fit is chic sometime very chap!!

and she is betty from leblogdebetty.com/

let's look her out fit now

oh  I love her jacket   and her shoes

bye bye with her beautiful  smile
sory because the size of photo no crop i have short time to write this entry

thx for watching
see u next entry


Ooh!! Talula "weaves black magic" for Spring 2010 and Rachel Ballinger

After I done my homework. It is my free time an lucky!! today have full of internet and I can post my blog
I saw Talula lookbook  and very liked it because they used my favorite model and a feel of photo are
very cool

this collection present about ceramony of magic it is a basic silhouette but very cute for me  i love a print of this collection  and Rachel Ballinger is pretty again

 ok let's see  "weaves black magic"

I like this concept from my interest I like to watch a movie about a balck magic it scary and mysterious but
it very charm  for while

and Rachel is very cute right? oh I love her face and love composition of this photo set
love tone and mood

oh this a lot of love LOL

See a lot of picture from Talula website

thx for watching
see u next entry


RIP Alexander McQueen ... good bye great British fashion icon

I knowed about sad new on yesterday !! very shock and have a lots of questions why he go so far
He is 40 year old it is short time very short right ? he can do many things for fashion world

But...he gone and I will say good bye my love designer

see the collection from great British fashion icon

"Highland Rape" his fifth collection in 1995, being one of the most infamous.

I know McQeen is beginning his work at 1994 This is real talent designer because it is short time for become famous designer

very respect him . He like my teacher because I learn from his work
love he style

good bye my teacher and my inspiration  . You are the color of fashion world